Prado Silos is expanding its operational capacity with a new logistics centre located near the company’s production plant. This new facilities implemented in Barakaldo (Spain) will double the space available for logistics activities, bringing significant improvements in terms of flexibility, productivity, quality and customer support, while contributing to the reduction of the company’s carbon footprint. Furthermore, this project will eventually reinforce the Prado Silos team for the management of this modern distribution centre, a new logistics hub equipped with state-of-the-art technical resources and adapted to our industry, with the most stringent security measures in place.
The company’s investment and expansion plan continues to move forward. After renewing different critical equipment and machinery in the silo production lines, Prado Silos is opening a new 2 500 m2 logistics centre in Barakaldo (Spain), very close to the industrial heart of the company, and strategically located to optimise operations management and improve quality for its clients.
This new dedicated logistics and distribution centre, equipped with the most advanced resources and adapted to the current requirements of our business, provides Prado Silos with twice the space dedicated to logistics operations, together with important investments in new capacities intended to provide greater flexibility and higher control over the entire silo manufacturing value chain.
This new Prado Silos logistics centre represents a major breakthrough in terms of modernity, ergonomics and efficiency, a transformational upgrade reflected in its infrastructure and operational capacity. Most importantly, the construction of a modern loading dock featuring a self‑levelling ramp and a loading bay at ground level will facilitate the handling of any shipment. Moreover, the physical expansion of the premises also includes significant upgrades ranging from the loading ramp mechanisms to the plumbing and electrical systems.
With the addition of new machinery and tools —such as several front-loading forklifts, a sideloader machine and different auxiliary devices— the Prado Silos new logistics centre stands out as a benchmark in terms of innovation and operational excellence in the industry. These upgrades reflect the company’s comprehensive vision, which seeks not only to meet the logistical demands in our sector, but also to anticipate them, thereby guaranteeing a high quality and competitive service.
At the same time, Prado Silos expects to further invest in human resources, as the full deployment of the new logistics centre will require the recruitment of highly trained professionals to run the operation. In addition, the investments in new capacities are not only limited to the physical infrastructure, they also reach the optimisation of processes, machinery and technology. For example, these improvements include the implementation of a cantilever storage system for a more efficient space management.
Al margen de la propia operación de llenado-vaciado de un silo, cada vez más se emplean sistemas de transporte y manipulación automatizados para agilizar el proceso de descarga. De esta manera se reduce la necesidad de intervención manual, los tiempos de inactividad y el riesgo de accidentes asociados. Por ejemplo, algunos silos pueden incorporar diferentes sistemas diseñados para ayudar a romper los posibles atascos causados por la compactación o la adherencia de los productos dentro de los silos, facilitando así una descarga más rápida y uniforme y reduciendo la necesidad de peligrosas operaciones de mantenimiento en el interior del silo.
La innovación en el sector de los silos hace posible que hoy se puedan instalar sistemas de control de inventario en tiempo real para monitorizar con precisión los niveles y programar las operaciones de carga y descarga de manera eficiente, evitando así errores que retrasen el proceso. Gracias a la integración de nuevas tecnologías basadas en la IA y el big data, se pueden aprovechar los datos históricos y las condiciones en tiempo real para optimizar los ciclos de llenado-vaciado, minimizando los tiempos de espera y maximizando la utilización de los silos.
Due to its strategic location, close to the Prado Silos production plant and in the vicinity of important transport links and infrastructures such as the port of Bilbao, lead times can be significantly reduced, both for finished products to be shipped and for materials required to meet the needs of the silo manufacturing process.
The centralisation of the product reception and dispatching process leads to cost optimisation, avoiding unnecessary warehousing and transport outlays. Materials spend less time in storage, with fewer transport stages, resulting in significant cost savings.
As an intermediary asset in the supply chain, the logistics distribution centre provides Prado Silos with flexibility to quickly respond to the needs of some clients requiring very short lead times for their orders, thus streamlining both the production process and the distribution of products.
Operating a logistics centre specifically designed for Prado Silos’ activities becomes fundamental when boosting the effectiveness throughout the whole supply chain. The elimination of errors and redundancies, the improvement of quality and the optimisation within the decision making process ensure a smooth workflow, with reduced return rates, reliable shipments and a better service for the client.
This new logistics centre streamlines supply-shipping operations and also allows for a reduction in the organisation’s carbon footprint, as a result of improved transport management, a more sensitive approach towards environment and new technical resources with lower emission levels.
Health and safety considerations are essential in all Prado Silos facilities, projects and activities so as to guarantee efficiency and productivity in operations. Accordingly, the design and implementation of this new logistics centre took security as an absolute priority, addressing all potential risks for workers and designing preventive measures to minimise hazards.
Consequently, the new logistics centre meets the most stringent safety protocols and occupational risk prevention standards, thus offering a safe working environment for people, equipment and stored products. In this sense, noteworthy improvements include the installation of a new modern fire protection system for safer operations, as well as higher safety standards for the equipment and the environment.
This new logistic centre becomes one of the most relevant milestones in Prado Silos’ strategy. The company’s objectives include investing in new means of production with a view towards increasing capacity, improving control over production, developing automation and widening the range of products . These technology-based upgrades, together with a more sustainable approach, will also help to strengthen Prado Silos’ human resources, attract talent and foster a vocation for our industry.
For over 70 years, the continuous investment made in improving processes has established Prado Silos as an international benchmark in the industry, consolidating the company’s commitment to excellence by offering our clients superior deadlines, conditions and products, underpinned by the highest level of production control.