We are currently building two metal silos in South Africa for the correct and durable storage of crops.
As you can imagine, in agriculture, the correct storage of crops is as important or even more important than the harvest itself, as it allows the products to be kept in good condition and protected from climatic conditions and animal attacks.
Silos are the most efficient tool for storage and there are several types, differing mainly in the construction material: steel, concrete or plastic. The cheapest are the plastic ones, called bag silos.
The construction of bag silos requires a large amount of land and space – they are laid horizontally on the ground. They have a limited capacity of only 200 tonnes, and as they are not modular, if there is an excess of grain to be stored, a new bag and more physical space would be needed.
Although these are cheaper, in the long term they can be expensive as they do not protect the crop from attacks by birds and rodents and the plastic also facilitates the proliferation of micro-organisms, insects and fungi, posing a serious risk of fermentation and germination.
In general, losses of up to 35% are estimated, more than a third of what is harvested. Not to mention the temporary nature, since plastic silos are not reusable, they are for single use only.
The process of galvanising steel consists of reinforcing the steel with other materials such as zinc to protect it from atmospheric erosion and oxidation.
Metal silos, on the other hand, offer versatile and durable solutions. The galvanised steel of our metal silos provides extra strength for optimal and durable grain storage.
Compared to single-use bag silos, the silos offer versatile and durable solutions. The galvanisation of the steel supplied by Prado Silos, Z600 in the silo cylinder, ZM310 in the roof sectors – the most exposed part of the silo -, hot-dip galvanisation for structures, and fasteners that withstand up to 1000 hours in a saline chamber place our silos among the most corrosion-resistant on the market.
With a ventilation and temperature control system, we prevent the appearance of microorganisms and insects, delaying the natural germination of the grain and its deterioration, preserving its quality. Likewise, losses caused by rodents or birds are limited as completely as possible.
Furthermore, due to its design, the metal silo facilitates the management and handling of the grain, thanks to its easy maintenance and the possibility of mechanising the filling and emptying process.